
Into the fire

Fire came suddenly to the city of Santa Rosa. Abnormally high winds, much like the southern Santa Ana's, built up in the deserts of Nevada and rushed in with hurricane force upon Northern California. The temperature was mild but the humidity had plummeted, the forests of Sonoma Co. were a tinder box. There has been a lot of blame on the airwaves and commercials in the style of ambulance chasers. We took solace and praised our saving heroes. Now with the return of the rains, we begin to see green grasses push through the ash of our blackened hills. But even as we struggle to comprehend how to rebuild, California has been abandoned by the Federal Administration. While billions go to Houston and Puerto Rico relief, as well they should, California got the finger from a petty and ignorant President. While I pray that my home will find the way to healing and I believe it will be stronger for it. I dream of a California that will rise up and appose this evil man.

Finding Home

Several years ago I traveled to Bend, Oregon for a weekend tai chi workshop to see a former teacher of mine. I pulled in just a tad late, and slipped in the front door. They were still doing introductions and David, ever the attentive teacher, noticed my late arrival. When they finished going around the room, he looked to me saying "Gregory, you came in late, introduce yourself." At which point I gave a pathetic way, said "Hi, I'm Greg."  And the room laughing said "And where are you from?"  I paused "Ummm, the west coast." I have been a seeker most of my life, for home, for family, for community, for meaning. After my life fell apart some years ago this search became for me particularly poignant. I roamed the west coast, Eugene, Portland, San Francisco Bay Area, Escondido, San Diego, Palo Alto, and now Sonoma Co. When I first became un-moored life was indeed scary. Each place and experience changed me, initially my siblings and parents u